Cultivating Self-Efficacy: Tools for Coaching Yourself to Success
Discover practical strategies to cultivate self-efficacy and unlock your potential for success in every aspect of your life.
Discover practical strategies to cultivate self-efficacy and unlock your potential for success in every aspect of your life.
Giving feedback is a skill; just like any skill, the more you practice, the better you will become! Preparing your feedback helps ensure we prioritize inclusive practices. Use this four-part checklist to craft self-efficacy-boosting feedback that promotes psychological safety and empowers others to reach their potential.
Feedback and support from others are sources of our self-efficacy — our belief in ourselves to accomplish a task. Using a simple formula, we can adjust our feedback to be a super-booster for self-efficacy, motivation, and belonging. In this on-demand seminar, participants will learn how to encourage others more effectively to reach their goals.
In this 90-minute virtual workshop recording, I introduce the natural learning process, self-efficacy, and present a reflection tool for planning and improving feedback that cultivates confidence in others.
This curriculum about motivation, learning, and feedback is available as an in-person or virtual workshop. The recommended session length for this curricula is a half-day.
Feedback and support from others is a source of our self-efficacy — the belief we have in ourselves to accomplish a task. Using a simple formula, we can adjust our feedback to be a super-booster for self-efficacy in others, through what I call, “Sticky Feedback.” Check out this video to learn how you can better encourage others to reach their goals.
We help people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community.
We acknowledge that we gather as Engineer Inclusion in Orange, Texas, on the unceded land of the Ishak (Atakapa), Koasati (Coushatta), and Alabama Peoples. Colonizers excised these indigenous groups from their traditional land through forced removal. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We invite you to learn more about land acknowledgments here and search for the traditional stewards of the land where you live and work here.