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The Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ Program Starts January 2024

The Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ Program is a cohort-based semi-asynchronous  program for any person or team interested in expanding their leadership capacity by building practices and employing skills that facilitate equity, inclusion, and belonging for others.

Early bird registration extends until 11/1 with $500 savings.

Join the Cohort!
Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ Program starts January 2024

Our curricula

What We Teach

Our curricula is research-based and strategy-driven. With over a decade of experience writing and delivering equity-focused curriculum, we’ve optimized our programs to inspire awareness and initiate action.  

Our portfolio of curricula is ever-expanding, and we can adjust any program to meet the specific needs of your audience. Featured below are some of our newest programs, however we can teach to many topics like those included in the lists of expertise.

  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Engineering Education
  • Nontraditional CTE
  • Educational Equity
  • Self-Efficacy for Success
  • Cultural Responsiveness
  • Growth Mindset
  • Inclusive Learning Environments
  • Gender Equity
  • White Fragility
  • Anti-Racist Training
  • Perkins Legislation
  • Equity Coaching
  • Racial Equity
  • Equity Audits
  • STEM for Counselors
  • Implicit or Unconscious Bias
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Strategic Planning for DEI
  • Organizational Culture and Climate
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Self-Efficacy for Success
  • Growth Mindset
  • Inclusive Work Environments
  • Gender Equity
  • White Fragility
  • Anti-Racist Training
  • Social Justice
  • Racial Equity
  • Equity Audits
  • Belonging
  • Implicit or Unconscious Bias
  • Strategic Planning for DEI
  • Organizational Culture and Climate

Signature Talk and workshop

How to Intentionally Engineer Inclusion® and Belonging

Inclusion is essential for creating workplaces, organizations, and environments where every person succeeds. However, inclusion doesn’t happen by accident. It takes intentional effort and occurs when engineered systematically to facilitate the best outcomes. You can learn to Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ and ‘DRIVE’ change within your sphere of influence. Using a data-driven approach to reveal and address root-cause issues, participants will learn how to pilot improvement initiatives that target identified barriers. No more random interventions anchored only by hope! By activating systems thinking for systemic change, this session will empower participants to lead meaningful change efforts that Intentionally Engineer Inclusion®.

Core Curricula

Hover over each image for a brief abstract.

Self-Awareness for Social Justice

How can we stand for social justice, if we don’t know where we stand? The journey of self-awareness unravels our biases, unpacks our privilege, unclasps our position, and unoccupies power. Knowing “woke” words, and discussing social justice isn’t enough. We must take action within ourselves while we also take action in our communities.
Learn More

Find Your Sixth Sense: Asset Mindset

Our biases alter our perceptions, and influence our interactions with others. An asset mindset moves past implicit biases to see the value in others, and welcomes diverse ways of knowing and doing. We can transform and improve relationships by shifting from a deficit to an asset mindset. Change how you see colleagues, classmates, family or students by finding your sixth sense.

Inclusive Virtual Learning

Virtual learning can be a challenge, especially when we aim to create equitable and inclusive learning environments. In this workshop, we use active learning to practice using a variety of tools, yet also have generative discussions that facilitate more conversation around inclusive instructional strategies. Best practices are modeled throughout the session, and exercises allow participants to experiment with various technologies.

DEI Strategic Planning

Whether you want to develop a strategy for diversity, equity, and inclusion, evaluate the one you have, or invigorate efforts, we can help. We facilitate collaborative sessions that drive collective decisions for DEI in your organization.

Equal Opportunity Isn’t Equal for Everyone

Equal opportunity is both a legal term and colloquialism. We have “equal opportunity” employers, and many people hold beliefs that everyone has equal opportunity to success. Some might align this belief with the American Dream, rags to riches, or bootstrap ideologies. In this course, I’ll introduce specific historical and systemic reasons for why equal opportunity isn’t equal for everyone.

Deconstructing Bias in Systems

Our systems create what we programmed them to create. If our output doesn't match what we desire, how are we changing the system to facilitate an improved output? Climate is a function of the system and the people that hold it up. If we want DEI issues to be considered important, how does the system support that output? In this session, we'll learn strategies to influence the system around us to create an equitable and inclusive climate.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mindset

In this session, we'll unpack the six characteristics of DEI mindset for educators and leave with strategies to apply to our practice.

Inclusive Engineering Design Practices

Design thinking fuels innovation. It is a solution-oriented process with considerations about the consumer at the heart of all development stages. Truly empathic and inclusive design requires a multi-cultural competence and awareness that can be cultivated and developed. In this session, we examine best practices for engineering inclusive technological solutions.

Abstracts for Additional Talks and Workshops

How we see and understand the world influences how we interact with others, make decisions, and interpret others’ actions. To be equitable and inclusive leaders, educators, or humans, we must understand our positionality, the social and political context that creates our identity, and how our identity influences and biases our perception of and outlook on the world. Positionality affects research, teaching, leading, policymaking, and everyday interactions. This workshop provides a scaffolded and reflexive exercise to help you examine your positionality, increase awareness, and extend greater empathy, compassion, and understanding to others.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Participants will investigate when identity and perspective are important factors in a professional setting.
  • Participants will examine how their identity and perspective influence their work and lives.
  • Participants will begin crafting a positionality statement that allows them to increase awareness and extend greater empathy, compassion, and understanding to others.
In an already divided world, we need a way of talking about ideas that don’t drive us further apart. Debate and discussion position us as adversaries, where dialogue centers community and humanity. Learning empathic listening strategies, employing culturally intelligent communication, and practicing techniques for inclusive conversations can bring us together. This workshop will examine practical strategies that help us be better leaders, educators, and citizens.
For education: Student success is at the heart of all of our efforts as educators. However, to fully serve each of our students, we must understand the systemic barriers preventing traditionally marginalized and excluded populations from reaching their full potential and take action for structural change. The Interlocking 4-I’s of Oppression Model is one way to understand how systems of oppression work together. Since educational equity is an effort to give everyone what they need to succeed and an explicit effort to level the playing field to reach equality, we must address oppression at all four levels to facilitate systemic change. In this talk, participants will learn the Interlocking 4-I’s of Oppression Model and examine the related root causes and barriers engineering students face, and reflect on what they can do to reduce barriers and provide support.
For industry: Employee success is at the heart of all of our efforts as leaders. However, to fully serve each of our employees, we must understand the systemic barriers preventing traditionally marginalized and excluded populations from reaching their full potential and take action for structural change. The Interlocking 4-I’s of Oppression Model is one way to understand how systems of oppression work together. Since equity is an effort to give everyone what they need to succeed and an explicit effort to level the playing field to reach equality, we must address oppression at all four levels to facilitate systemic change. In this talk, participants will learn the Interlocking 4-I’s of Oppression Model and examine the related root causes, and barriers marginalized employees face, and reflect on what they can do to reduce barriers and provide support.