
Engineer Inclusion

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Lessons from a Bayou Boat Skipper by Dr. Meagan Pollock

Lessons from a Bayou Boat Skipper 🐊

Welcome to ‘Lessons from a Bayou Boat Skipper,’ where we navigate the intersecting currents of nature and life. In this series, I share insights from the natural world around us to shed light on personal and organizational growth.

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Embracing Failure and Perseverance in STEM (Panel Recap)

Explore the critical importance of innovation and perseverance in STEM through our blog post recap of the “Resilience in Innovation” panel. Successful women in STEM share their journeys of overcoming setbacks and how failure has been a stepping stone to their success. Get insights, advice, and strategies for embracing challenges, and watch the webinar recording for an in-depth discussion.

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women in stem panel 2024-02-14

Creativity and Experimentation in STEM (Panel Recap)

Explore the transformative power of creativity and experimentation in STEM, as leading women share their insights and strategies in the “Innovating Minds” panel. Discover how these pioneers are reshaping the STEM landscape through innovation and watch the enlightening webinar recording.

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Women in STEM Panel Series

The “Women in STEM Panel Series” transformed passive webinar experiences into interactive, public discussions with experts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This case study outlines how opening the series to a broader audience enhanced engagement and participation, setting the stage for future sessions.

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What is thriving? Panel

What is thriving? Strategies for helping ourselves and others flourish

As many of us start the new year with revitalized motivations and goals, a desire to thrive in the months ahead is at the heart of it. But what does it mean to thrive? We all face different challenges and barriers, yet some seem to rise above the fray ostensibly better than others. Learning to thrive amidst sometimes unideal environments is a skill we can learn. Join us for Engineer Inclusion’s first live panel of 2023 on Jan 10, where we will discuss strategies for helping ourselves and others flourish.

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empathic design and engineering careers nepris meagan pollock

Engineering Design and Careers: A conversation with students

Every once in a while, I am invited to speak to students through Nepris, now called Pathful Connect. Last month, I virtually spoke with a group of middle schoolers about engineering, design, and careers. We also talked about empathy! The students were fun and had great ideas. Watch the 45m recording.

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What is the future of work? Talk Series

What is the future of work? A panel conversation on the ‘great resignation,’ ‘quiet quitting,’ and other workplace culture-driven trends

Over the last two years, we’ve witnessed several workplace trends like the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting. Each of these is deeply tied to workplace culture. While recent data suggests the labor market is evening out, what is the future of work? Join us for a live discussion on 10/27 where our panel of experts will discuss trends related to workplace culture.

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seminar for tenure review committee Artboard 2

Seminars for Tenure Review Committees

Equip members of tenure review committees with knowledge, skills, and practices for reducing barriers and supporting employees, particularly those who have marginalized or minoritized identities. 

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About EI

We help people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community.

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