
Engineer Inclusion

Discover how to transform your organization with the DRIVE Change process – a dynamic, data-driven, human-centered approach to fostering real inclusion and diversity. In this post, you’ll learn practical steps for building a more inclusive, empowered environment. Don’t forget to download a PDF handout with the DRIVE Change framework.

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, inclusion has transformed from a nice-to-have feature into an essential cornerstone for success. But creating an environment where every individual feels valued, included, affirmed, and empowered doesn’t just happen by chance; it demands deliberate action and a systematic approach. We must Intentionally Engineer Inclusion®, using a structured method to understand and actively foster inclusive practices within any organization. The key to this transformative journey? The DRIVE change™ process.

DRIVE, an acronym inspired by the Six Sigma methodology, stands for a process improvement framework that ensures any effort toward inclusion is practical, measured, and impactful. Let’s break down how you can apply each DRIVE step to create a meaningful change in your workspace or community.

Drive Change Gif
DRIVE Change D is for data

Explore DATA from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audits

Data is a powerful tool that provides insights into your organization’s current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Conducting comprehensive DEI audits helps us understand all stakeholders’ demographics, experiences, and perceptions. This step involves gathering qualitative and quantitative data to represent your workplace culture accurately. Understanding where you stand is the first step in knowing where you need to go.

DRIVE Change R is for root cause

Conduct ROOT CAUSE Analyses

Once you have your data, the next step is to delve into the ‘why’ behind the numbers and narratives. Conducting root cause analyses allows you to identify underlying issues contributing to gaps or challenges in your DEI efforts. Root cause analyses might examine internal policies, cultural norms, or unconscious biases hindering true inclusivity. Effective root cause analyses for the DRIVE change process are human-centered, prioritizing your people over processes and policies. The goal is to get to the bottom of things before you start designing resource-demanding interventions.

DRIVE Change I is for intervention


With a clear understanding of the root causes, you can now strategize uniquely tailored interventions that address the specific issues revealed during your root cause analyses. These interventions should be targeted, purposeful, and aligned with the overall goals of your DEI and organizational strategy. Whether revising recruitment processes, offering training sessions to improve cultural competency, or setting up employee resource groups, you will want to plan and implement each intervention carefully to ensure effectiveness.

DRIVE Change v is for verification

VERIFY Intervention Addresses Root Causes

Any intervention, no matter how well-planned, must be verified for effectiveness. This step involves closely monitoring the interventions to ensure they are addressing the identified root causes. It’s crucial to track progress, gather feedback, and make adjustments as necessary. This iterative process helps refine your approach and ensure the interventions have a real, positive impact.

DRIVE Change E is for evaluation


Finally, to DRIVE change, you must evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions against the initial DEI objectives and audits. This evaluation should look beyond the immediate outcomes and consider the long-term impact on your organization’s culture. What were the lessons learned? How can these insights shape future efforts? An honest evaluation paves the way for continuous improvement and sustained change.

DRIVE Change process improvement by Engineer Inclusion

Driving the Change

Implementing the DRIVE Change process in your organization is not a one-time event but a continuous journey toward improvement. It’s about creating a cycle of learning, implementing, verifying, and refining that keeps the momentum of inclusion moving forward. Each phase of DRIVE lays the foundation for a more inclusive, equitable environment, turning isolated efforts into a cohesive, impactful strategy.


In summary, inclusion is more than just a buzzword; it’s a necessary ethos that can define the success and health of an organization. By adopting a systematic, data-driven approach like DRIVE, leaders, and influencers can ensure that they are not just hoping for inclusion to happen but are actively engineering it in their workplaces, organizations, and communities.

Are you ready to take the wheel and DRIVE change in your sphere of influence? Remember, the journey toward inclusion is not a sprint but a marathon — one that requires persistence, commitment, and an open mind.

Download this resource as a printable PDF.

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DRIVE Change process improvement Handout by Engineer Inclusion

Transform Your Organization with Engineer Inclusion: Drive Real Change, Create Lasting Impact!

Are you looking to foster a truly inclusive workplace but unsure where to start? Do you feel overwhelmed by the complexities of embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into the very fabric of your organization? Engineer Inclusion is here to steer your journey with our custom-tailored DRIVE Change programs.

What We Offer:

Customized Solutions: Understanding that no two organizations are the same, we offer bespoke programs designed to meet your unique DEI goals. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all; we tailor our solutions to resonate with your specific challenges and aspirations.

Expert Guidance: With a team of seasoned DEI professionals, we bring a wealth of knowledge, insights, and proven strategies to your doorstep. Our experts are adept at navigating the nuances of organizational culture to ensure impactful and sustainable change.

Data-Driven Approach: Anchored in the DRIVE framework, our strategy begins with a deep dive into your current DEI landscape. We work with you to gather and analyze data to uncover your organization’s true state of inclusivity, setting a clear, objective baseline for action.

Root Cause Analysis: Identifying underlying issues is key. We don’t just skim the surface; we support your teams in conducting in-depth analyses to get to the heart of barriers and challenges, ensuring that interventions target the real issues, not just the symptoms.

Strategic Interventions: Our interventions are meticulously planned to drive meaningful change from inclusive leadership training to revamping recruitment processes. We work with you to align each step with your overall objectives, ensuring a cohesive and integrated approach.

Measurable Outcomes: We believe in the power of verification and evaluation. Our commitment doesn’t end with the implementation of interventions. We work with you to monitor, measure, and tweak strategies to ensure they deliver the desired outcomes.

Why Choose Engineer Inclusion?

Track Record of Success: Our clients have seen dramatic shifts in their organizational culture, reporting enhanced team cohesion, greater employee satisfaction, and a visible uplift in inclusive practices.

Engaging Delivery: We don’t just lecture; we engage, inspire, and ignite passion. We design our interactive sessions and workshops to be thought-provoking and transformational.

Ongoing Support: Change doesn’t happen overnight, so we offer ongoing support to help you navigate the complexities of DEI integration over the long term.


At Engineer Inclusion, we don’t just talk about change; we drive it. Partner with us to transform your workplace into an environment where diversity is celebrated, equity is embedded, and inclusion is the norm.

Are you ready to DRIVE change? Contact us today to shape a more inclusive tomorrow!

Embrace the journey to inclusivity with Engineer Inclusion – where change is not just envisioned, it’s engineered!

Headshot of Dr. Meagan Pollock

Meagan Pollock, PhD

Dr. Meagan Pollock envisions a world where personal and social circumstances are not obstacles to achieving potential, and where kindness, inclusivity, and conservation prevail.

An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, her mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.

As an engineer turned educator, Meagan Pollock is focused on engineering equity into education and the workforce.

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We help people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community.

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