Our community
Elevate Inclusion is a collaborative and inclusive network for people with a heart for diversity, equity, and inclusion.Â
* It’s free to join, and there are no strings.Â

Our Purpose
While each of us works to find and amplify our voices to make our chosen impact on the world, our network’s goal is to contribute to the success of one another collectively. We created the Elevate Inclusion Network to bring you together with equally passionate people ready for a new way to connect and share.Â
Who Should Join
The group is open to anyone seeking community with equity- and entrepreneurial-minded professionals at any point in their journey. All are welcome: college students, young to seasoned professionals, and retired individuals. Anyone who seeks to have an impact on this world can join the Elevate Inclusion Network.Â
What We Do
As we rise, we must also lift! As we build this community together, we have some great features for creating exclusive content, deeper conversations, and online or in-real-life events. Plus, by building this community off of social media, we can have a more efficient and valuable experience with each other.
Why You Should Join
Meet people who share your interests who live near you, who do the same things, or who care about the same topics. Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission. Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.

During the spring of 2018, I was at a conference, and I found myself talking with multiple women educators who were seeking to expand their thought leadership and influence. Like me, they wanted to change the world by sharing their passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion with the world and have the freedom and flexibility that comes with owning your own business. Business ownership is ideal for many reasons, but I think one of the most important is that business ownership liberates us from the sexism, racism, and any other -ism from within the institutions we’ve worked tirelessly to support and grow.
Just a couple of months later, with the help of friends, we convened a group of women who reveled in the idea of a community focused on supporting one another towards our professional goals. We met monthly for several months, and our group grew from a handful to close to twenty individuals. Life and work got in the way, and our regular meetings fell by the wayside. It’s hard to believe that so much time has passed, but I feel like the uncertain times we are all experiencing as a result of COVID-19 provides a perfect reason to reunite and rebirth our collective.
Meagan Pollock, PhD
Join Elevate Inclusion
You are welcome to join and we encourage you to invite other like-minded individuals. If you are uncertain, or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.