About Us

We help you Intentionally Engineer Inclusion®

Engineer Inclusion helps people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community.

We'd love to meet you and design a program to meet your needs.

Our Story

Engineer Inclusion founder Dr. Meagan Pollock began her career playing with light projection on tiny microscopic mirrors as an engineer for Texas Instruments. In 2008, Meagan shifted her focus from widgets to workshops and began teaching, speaking, and writing about diversity, equity, and inclusion. She now utilizes metaphorical projectors and mirrors to shine a light on micro and macro social systems that, when adjusted, improve student, employee, and organizational success.

Drawing on multiple skillsets, Engineer Inclusion helps people intentionally and systematically engineer equity and inclusion into their organizations: driving positive outcomes and effectively supporting employees and the community. Leveraging engineering thinking, process-improvement, and research-based inclusion strategies, Engineer Inclusion is uniquely equipped to help you reach your diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Let’s work together!

Engineer Inclusion provides corporate training, management consulting, leadership coaching, and educator professional development services. 

Meagan Pollock, PhD

Founder, Chief Inclusion Engineer

Dr. Meagan Pollock envisions a world where personal and social circumstances are not obstacles to achieving potential, and where kindness, inclusivity, and conservation prevail.

An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, her mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.

As an engineer turned educator, Meagan Pollock is focused on engineering equity into education and the workforce. 

Our primary goals are to inspire awareness and initiate action.

  • We Challenge the status quo. 
  • We Think intersectionally and systemically.
  • We Prioritize adding value.
  • We Share resources generously.
  • We Provide quality service.
  • We Operate transparently and authentically.
  • We Practice what we preach.

Engineer Inclusion is a division of 7E Ventures LLC, owned by Dr. Meagan Pollock. This firm is a Certified Woman-Owned Small Business according to the US Small Business Association. Verification available upon request.

Some of Dr. Meagan Pollock's Past Clients

Contact Us

Please give us a call, email us, book a meeting, or send us a message using the provided form. We look forward to speaking with you! 

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