
Intentionally Engineer Inclusion® Program

Registration is OPEN for the second cohort starting in January 2024.

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Inclusion is essential for creating workplaces, organizations, and environments where every person succeeds. However, inclusion doesn’t happen by accident. It takes intentional effort and occurs when engineered systematically to facilitate the best outcomes.

The Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ program will help you ‘DRIVE’ change within your sphere of influence. Using a data-driven approach to reveal and address root-cause issues, participants will learn how to pilot improvement initiatives that target identified barriers. No more random interventions anchored only by hope! By activating systems thinking for systemic change, program participants will be empowered and equipped to lead meaningful change efforts that Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™.

Who is the program for?

For any person or team interested in expanding their leadership capacity by building practices and employing skills that facilitate equity, inclusion, and belonging for others, this program is a unique opportunity that brings together many of our research-based tools, strategies, and resources into a learning program that will drive personal and organizational results.

Jan 16, 2023 to April 8, 2023

What's New?

What to Expect

Schedule & Syllabus

The Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ Program offers two types of live virtual events.

January 24, 2023, 9-12 Central Time
February 13, 2023, 10 to 1 Central Time
March 27, 2023, 10 to 1 Central Time

All events will be recorded and posted with the course materials. Our learning management system will keep everything organized and curated to support your growth over the course of the program. In addition, we want to help everyone feel as connected and caught-up as possible, so we will do our best to serve the cohort’s needs.

  1. Participants will examine the Inclusive Leadership Development Model. 
  2. Participants will assess their inclusive leadership practices.

A personal reflection and self-evaluation on inclusive leadership.


Participants will discover the 6-sigma process improvement model as a tool for improving an equity and inclusion issue in their organization.

  1. Participants will illustrate the importance of belonging in the workplace. 
  2. Participants will assess root causes for issues of belonging on their team.

Reflections on conversations with employees about belongingness, feeling valued and affirmed in the workplace. A short protocol will be provided.

  1. Participants will examine 8 neural mechanisms in our brains that support prejudice and stereotypes, the underlying functions of bias.
  2. Participants identify 9 self-regulation strategies to reduce prejudice and stereotypes.

Participants will analyze their positionality and the influence it has on their leadership/management.


Participants will complete a social identity map and reflection.

  1. Participants will discover the four types of oppression, ideological, interpersonal, institutional, and internalized.
  2. Participants will evaluate and identify barriers faced by marginalized people on their team.

Report of barriers marginalized people face on their team or in their organization.

  1. Participants will learn the difference between an asset and a deficit mindset. 
  2. Participants will infer how human-centered design and design thinking can help us improve the culture and climates of our teams.

Participants will draft a strategy for using the empathic design process to improve their team culture.

  1. Participants will appraise their accountability as a leader/manager.
  2. Participants will construct a DEI learning plan for themselves and their team.
  1. Participants will submit plans for removing barriers faced by marginalized populations on their team. 
  2. DEI Learning plans

Participants will compare and contrast Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.


Participants will observe the ways of knowing, doing, and communicating on their team and submit a report on what they learn. A protocol will be provided.


Participants will identify the key elements of inclusive collaboration.


Employ the use of meeting protocols and tools and reflect on the experience.

Open topics are opportunities to expand on or build in topics of interest as needed by the cohort.

  1. Participants will assess the growth of their inclusive leadership practices.
  2. Participants will compile their coursework and create a DEI growth plan for their team/organization.  


The program creator and facilitator is Dr. Meagan Pollock, Engineer Inclusion's Founder.

Dr. Meagan Pollock
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Meagan's Commitment to Participants

I strive to be an inclusive leader and to facilitate a learning environment where people experience feelings of safety and belonging. Ultimately, I strive to “practice what I preach.” If you experience feelings of exclusion from me or anyone in the group, or if anything makes you feel devalued or discouraged, I implore participants to come to me directly with concerns. I commit to honoring your feelings, holding your truth in confidence, and taking appropriate action to address issues.

Even though I have a syllabus and learning progression planned, my objective is to be as participant-centered as possible, prioritizing your needs over my agenda. I aim to be flexible and agile to adapt to the cohort’s best interests. Though we will strive for a collectivist approach, I want each individual participant to feel empowered to speak up when they need clarity or additional scaffolding for their learning.

A culture of feedback is critical for inclusive spaces. I welcome feedback to help me grow as a person and leader and to improve the program. Participants will be encouraged to share feedback directly and anonymously throughout the 12-week program so we can make real-time improvements.

I encourage participants to hold me accountable for my actions and mistakes. While it is not your job, I do invite you to draw attention to my blind spots, and I commit to “respect and not deflect” responsibility for my words and actions. Impact is always more important than intent.

I promise that I am an easy person to give feedback to and will thoughtfully consider your observations, feelings, and input. If you need help sharing your feedback, I’ll provide a variety of strategies to assist you in addressing your needs.


We are all equals. I do not subscribe to hierarchy and actively work to remove power structures. I invite participants to help me in doing so as we co-create our learning environment together. The number of degrees held, years of experience, or otherwise should not elevate anyone above another, and wherever you are in your journey is a perfect place for you to start. Most importantly, you have direct access to me (phone, email, calendar, etc.) and all participants through the learning management system. 

Awareness is foundational to meaningful action, but awareness isn’t enough! The program will fuel your personal growth and equip you with tools and strategies that you can practice and employ in real time to make real change.
One of my greatest joys is bringing research to practice. By condensing research literature, connecting dots, and distilling ideas, I create practical tools and frameworks for everyday people to use to lead change. I commit to taking an approach that draws from scientific research, not just ‘Meagan’s view on the world.’

As a white woman raised in a very homogenous community, the dominant ways of knowing and doing are deeply engrained in my conditioned ways of knowing, doing, and being. I actively work to unlearn these behaviors, and divorce from white supremacy culture. My teaching style leans toward collectivist ways of knowing and doing, all the while, my wired mode of operation is more often individualistic. I welcome and encourage participants to help each other de-center whiteness and other dominant cultures in our work together.

I strive to take an intersectional and systemic approach to my work. Meaning we will not get stuck or stop at the common one-dimensional interpersonal bias perspective. I regularly challenge myself to think, “What else might be true?” to broaden my perceptions and minimize misattribution.
Ultimately, I’m on a mission to help others reduce the time between learning about privilege and identity, understanding and seeing systemic oppression, and taking action to make systemic change. If you find that there are areas of improvement for me, I welcome your feedback.

Transparency is one of my core values. Sure, that may be a strange one, but to me, it includes authenticity, honesty, and an active effort to remove barriers. In addition, I will do my very best to model what I am teaching throughout our program. I believe this form of transparency empowers others to see the humanity in themselves and others and invites them to model best practices, too.


Employer Request Letter

We’ve provided a sample outline of a request letter that you can customize and submit to your employer. If you need more information or additional support from us, please let us know. 

Hi, [NAME],

As you know, facilitating equitable and inclusive environments where our team members feel valued, included, encouraged, and belong is a priority for me. Ultimately, the success of our team and organization depends on it. It is also important to me that I continuously improve my skills and grow professionally.

Therefore, I would like to attend the Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ program led by Dr. Meagan Pollock from Engineer Inclusion.


I believe that what I learn and apply from the program will help [LIST A FEW BENEFITS TO YOU AND THE ORGANIZATION].

Here are the details:

Does [ORGANIZATION NAME] provide funding for professional development opportunities like this? If so, I would like to discuss what it would take to get this opportunity approved and funded so that I can begin in January.

I appreciate your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.