Dr. Meagan Pollock presented “Self-Awareness for Social Justice: Tools for Equity-Minded and Inclusive Leaders” on 2021 April 27 for the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference. On this page you can download the handout with tools and resources, and register for the raffle giveaway.
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Dr. Meagan Pollock envisions a world where personal and social circumstances are not obstacles to achieving potential, and where kindness, inclusivity, and conservation prevail.
An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, her mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.
As an engineer turned educator, Meagan Pollock is focused on engineering equity into education and the workforce.
Engineered Organizations partners with you to build intentional strategies that strengthen collaboration, inspire growth, and create lasting cultural change.
This TEDx talk examines a four-part, iterative, reflective, and reflexive framework for developing into an inclusive leader.
We acknowledge that we gather as Engineer Inclusion in Orange, Texas, on the unceded land of the Ishak (Atakapa), Koasati (Coushatta), and Alabama Peoples. Colonizers excised these indigenous groups from their traditional land through forced removal. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We invite you to learn more about land acknowledgments here and search for the traditional stewards of the land where you live and work here.