Seeking Guest Writers & Content Creators

If you love writing, have a way of making complex things easy to understand, and are deeply knowledgeable about topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, then I might have an opportunity for you! I am seeking guest writers and content creators!

Many of my clients are in STEM education and engineering/tech industry, but my readers span many fields and countries and people visit my website to find resources to help them “do the work.” Do you want to help people lead change? I bet you do! 

join the team! consulting opportunity

Our primary goals are to inspire awareness and initiate action.

  • We Challenge the status quo. 
  • We Think intersectionally and systemically.
  • We Prioritize adding value.
  • We Share resources generously.
  • We Provide quality service.
  • We Operate transparently and authentically.
  • We Practice what we preach.
What I need are short but meaningful posts that are focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice in STEM education and industry (but mostly engineering and tech industry).
In general, I really need help creating SEO-optimized content that can be used on my website, and then shared on social. I think the best kind of posts answer questions. So “what is...?” or “how to…” See my Q/A page here:



  • Posts can reference a publication, or news event, or be research-based musings focused on creating equitable and inclusive environments where marginalized and minoritized people feel valued, affirmed, and that they belong.
  • Post content should be broken up with key word heavy headings.
  • I prefer for all posts to have specific, actionable takeaways and a discussion/reflection prompt.
  • All content should be edited, and I recommend using Grammarly. Best to avoid using passive voice.
  • ~ 500-1000 words each


The details:

  • Though the rate of $150 is the base per article (estimating ~3 hours of work), if you have an idea for a post that warrants more time, then we can discuss it.
  • If you write articles for me, you will have author credit, but my company will own the copy, and I will be free to use it however I wish, though I will always give credit to you as the author. If I decide to do something bigger with my website content later on, please trust that I will have your best interest at heart and credit/bonus you appropriately.


What I recommend:

  • Propose some article titles you’d like to write, and we can go from there.

Meagan Pollock, PhD

Dr. Meagan Pollock envisions a world where personal and social circumstances are not obstacles to achieving potential, and where kindness, inclusivity, and conservation prevail.

An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, her mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.

As an engineer turned educator, Meagan Pollock is focused on engineering equity into education and the workforce.

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Engineered Organizations partners with you to build intentional strategies that strengthen collaboration, inspire growth, and create lasting cultural change.

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