Consulting Opportunity: Best Practices for Recruiting Students into Nontraditional STEM and CTE Programs and Pathways

We are seeking a consultant to help us develop a new resource that summarizes the best practices for recruiting students into nontraditional STEM and CTE programs and pathways. If you answer yes to all of the questions below, you’d be a great fit! 

The overarching project objective is to create a white paper and companion website with infographic components that help educators recruit secondary and post-secondary students into informal and formal Nontraditional STEM and CTE pathways and programs.

The scope of the project is bigger than the expected consultant deliverables. We’ll do all of the design work, for example. Here’s what we need you to do:

Consultant Deliverables

  • Conduct a meta-analysis literature review that details best practices in recruiting nontraditional students into STEM and CTE pathways and programs.
  • Prepare a cited white paper with an executive summary that organizes and summarizes findings into discrete, specific, and practical strategies.

More Details

  • A nontraditional career refers to occupations or fields of work for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25% of the individuals employed in each occupation or field of work. We want to expand outside of gender for this resource to include intersections with race and ethnic identities, low-income youth and adults, and individuals with disabilities.
  • Additional special populations (as designated by Perkins V legislation) that can be included are single parents, including single pregnant women, out-of-workforce individuals, English learners, individuals experiencing homelessness, youth who are in or have aged out of, the foster care system, and youth with a parent who is an active duty member of the armed forces.
  • We fully acknowledge that retention strategies are critical, but that will be a different resource.
  • The resource and strategies may need to diverge by career pathway and population.


  • Regularly meet with Meagan Pollock to ensure scope, direction, and progress are on target. Meagan will be a co-author of the publication.
  • The number of best practices depends on the research, but 10 would be a great number to aim for as a minimum.
  • Research an organized, systematic way, creating outlines, lists of bodies of literature to search, and a project plan.
  • Use an intersectional, asset-based, and systems-thinking approach.
  • Track all citations using Endnote.
  • Self-edit drafts using Grammarly Premium. Little to no use of passive voice. Writing style should be accessible and not overly academic.


We are flexible on the start and duration of the project, but we’d like to have it complete by mid-October 2021 at the latest.

Pay & Benefits

  • $1500+ for the project. As the project advances and the scope expands, there is additional earning potential.
  • We contract consultants as 1099 employees delivering work-for-hire.
  • We may submit the paper to a journal. If we decide to do this, Engineer Inclusion will cover any fees related to a journal publication.

How to apply

To apply, tell us why you think you’d be a great person to do this work, and share a writing sample. The application is below, but if you are having trouble accessing it, open the application here. 

Questions? Contact us! 

Meagan Pollock, PhD

Dr. Meagan Pollock envisions a world where personal and social circumstances are not obstacles to achieving potential, and where kindness, inclusivity, and conservation prevail.

An international speaker, teacher, engineer, and equity leader, her mission is to provide services, tools, and resources that inspire awareness and initiate action.

As an engineer turned educator, Meagan Pollock is focused on engineering equity into education and the workforce.

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