At Engineer Inclusion, we believe that to create equitable communities, we must make bold systemic changes. Policies and resource allocation are critical components to those systemic changes, and getting an accurate count is essential for our next decade of future effort. We must encourage the “hard-to-count” populations so that we have an accurate census of the American population.
I made this video a shareable tool to help us reach these communities because I believe everyone counts! Will you share video below with your networks so we can reach the hard-to-count populations? I also made a version in Spanish.
Hard-to-count populations can fall into many categories. These include:
- Young children under the age of five.
- Highly mobile people.
- Racial and ethnic minorities.
- Non-English speakers.
- Low income people.
- People experiencing homelessness.
- Undocumented immigrants.
- People who distrust the government.
- LGBTQ persons.
- People with mental or physical disabilities.
- People who do not live in traditional housing.
Shape your future and complete your Census.
There is still time! Respond online, by phone, or by mail.
- Complete the census online:
- Complete the census by phone (English: 844-330-2020; Para Español del continente: 844-468-2020; Para Español de Puerto Rico: 844-426-2020)
- Mail back the paper questionnaire sent to your home: U.S. Census Bureau National Processing Center, 100 Logistics Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47144