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Common Biases

What are the most common Cognitive Biases?

By increasing our awareness and using tools and strategies for reducing the impact of cognitive biases, we can facilitate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our organizations. In this post, we break down 8 of the most common cognitive biases and provide a PDF download you can print or share.

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how to plan your feedback

How to Plan Feedback (By Prioritizing Inclusion)

Giving feedback is a skill; just like any skill, the more you practice, the better you will become! Preparing your feedback helps ensure we prioritize inclusive practices. Use this four-part checklist to craft self-efficacy-boosting feedback that promotes psychological safety and empowers others to reach their potential.

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empathic design and engineering careers nepris meagan pollock

Engineering Design and Careers: A conversation with students

Every once in a while, I am invited to speak to students through Nepris, now called Pathful Connect. Last month, I virtually spoke with a group of middle schoolers about engineering, design, and careers. We also talked about empathy! The students were fun and had great ideas. Watch the 45m recording.

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Compliance vs. Self-regulation

When creating equitable and inclusive workplaces, policies that attempt to force compliance aren’t effective, but rather creating a culture that nurtures self-regulation can drive positive change and meaningful results. In this post, I reflect on a required exercise to define my “house rules” for adoption and relate them to the workplace. 

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what is the hedgehog concept featured image

What is the Hedgehog Concept? (And how can it help you to Intentionally Engineer Inclusion®?)

If we want to Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ and positively influence our organizations towards diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) and belonging, we have to prioritize and take action. In this post, we describe the hedgehog map exercise and provide a series of prompts to help you identify the intersection of your passions, skills, and resources. Plus we offer a PDF download worksheet and additional resources for further reading. For when we find actions and make decisions from the greatest overlap of these three elements, we will have greater motivation, agency, and potential for impact.

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unbiasing nudges by engineer inclusion

Unbiasing Nudges

Prejudices, stereotypes and bias often operate in combination to influence your behavior. However, you can positively influence your behavior with our unbiasing nudges, a tool for modifying the environment in which you make decisions. In this post, we recommend a set of 4×2 nudges to unbias how we operate. Download a PDF handout/poster, and access a set of slides to use in your meetings as nudges for creating equitable and inclusive environments.

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What is the future of work? Talk Series

What is the future of work? A panel conversation on the ‘great resignation,’ ‘quiet quitting,’ and other workplace culture-driven trends

Over the last two years, we’ve witnessed several workplace trends like the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting. Each of these is deeply tied to workplace culture. While recent data suggests the labor market is evening out, what is the future of work? Join us for a live discussion on 10/27 where our panel of experts will discuss trends related to workplace culture.

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Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ program by Dr. Meagan Pollock

Intentionally Engineer Inclusion® Program

The Intentionally Engineer Inclusion™ Program is a cohort-based semi-asynchronous program that runs for four months at the beginning of each year. This is for anyone interested in expanding their leadership capacity by building practices and employing skills that facilitate equity, inclusion, and belonging for others.

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seminar for tenure review committee Artboard 2

Seminars for Tenure Review Committees

Equip members of tenure review committees with knowledge, skills, and practices for reducing barriers and supporting employees, particularly those who have marginalized or minoritized identities. 

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self efficacy boosting feedback banner

On-demand Course: Self-Efficacy Boosting Feedback

Feedback and support from others are sources of our self-efficacy — our belief in ourselves to accomplish a task. Using a simple formula, we can adjust our feedback to be a super-booster for self-efficacy, motivation, and belonging. In this on-demand seminar, participants will learn how to encourage others more effectively to reach their goals.

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THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX Explore nontraditional Careers

Think Outside the Box: Nontraditional Career Exploration

The Think Outside the Box: Nontraditional Career Exploration student-focused curriculum is interactive, engaging, and designed to excite students with the possibilities of NT CTE Careers. Students will explore work values, assess career interests, and challenge gender norms related to careers. The digital curriculum package consists of four modular student activities, utilizing a workbook and video guides.

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Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leadership enhances performance, collaboration, attendance, and reduces turnover, and facilitates environments where people feel valued, affirmed, and that they belong. Inclusive leaders are imperative for creating cultures, schools, teams, and organizations that drive equitable outcomes for historically marginalized and minoritized people. This curriculum, examines a four-part, iterative, reflective, and reflexive framework for developing into an inclusive leader.

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What is Accent Bias?

Accent bias is an unwarranted prejudice toward others based on the sound of their speech. This panel discussion was on Wednesday, August 24, from 12 to 1 PM CDT. Panelists were Donna Durbin, and Dr. Hoda Ehsan, with Dr. Meagan Pollock as the moderator. On this page you’ll find the event recording, plus strategies and resources.

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