Quotes inspire and motivate us. Questions challenge us.
Escape shallow conversations of the weather and to-do lists, and dive deep into dialogue that challenges us to discover more about others and ourselves. “Quotes and Questions for Reflection and Dialogue:”
- Shepherds you on a path of self-discovery, and
- Sparks meaningful dialogue with partners, dates, colleagues, family, friends, and neighbors.
101 thought-provoking quotes explore seven essential themes, and two unique prompts accompany each quote for meaningful conversation-starters or reflective journaling. In using this book, we hope that you inspire awareness, initiate action, and lead change.
Book Details:
- 202 questions
- 7 themes
- Ruled lines on each quote page for journaling or notes
- 6 inch x 9 inch
- black and white
Applications for “Quotes and Questions for Reflection and Dialogue:”
- Daily journaling prompts
- Party conversation starters
- Get-to-know-you prompts for new relationships
- Revitalize conversations with partners and friends
- Meeting ice-breakers
- Dialogue guide while on vacation
- Table topics for family reunions
Ideas for using “Quotes and Questions for Reflection and Dialogue:”
- Work through the book, one page at a time
- Have someone select a number between 1 and 101
- Draw numbers “out of a hat,” or use a random number generator
- Select one quote per theme for a 7-day writing challenge
- Classroom writing prompts
About the Quotes
From Meagan:
“I hope you enjoy the selection of quotes. The goal is to inspire and motivate you! I aimed to amplify the voices of women and people of color (POC), so 80% of the quotes are by women, and 30% are by POC. In the next edition, I want more quotes from POC, so I invite you to share your favorite quotes with me for future versions.”