Self-Awareness for Social Justice

Anchored by three components, social justice, inclusive leadership, and self-awareness, this interactive and thought-provoking workshop equips participants with tools and strategies for their personal and professional development into an equity-minded, inclusive, and action-driven leader. The recommended session length is a 1/2 day.

There are two types of audiences ideal for this curriculum. 

Workshop Abstract

How can we stand for social justice if we don’t know where we stand? Anchored by three components, social justice, inclusive leadership, and self-awareness, this interactive and thought-provoking workshop equips participants with tools and strategies for their personal and professional development into an equity-minded, inclusive, and action-driven leader.


Social justice, how fairness manifests in society, depends on four fundamental goals: human rights, access, participation, and equity. The lack of these items can be barriers in the workplace, limiting marginalized and minoritized individuals’ potential. In this session, through a scaffolded mind-mapping exercise, we’ll identify the ways that we can improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within our circle of influence.

There are six traits or behaviors that distinguish inclusive leaders from others. In this session, we’ll examine these behaviors, reflect on the type of leader we want to be, and identify areas for improvement.

The journey of self-awareness unravels our biases, unpacks our privilege, unclasps our position, and un-occupies power. Self-awareness for social justice is an ongoing practice that requires an ever-developing lens fueled by empathy and understanding. In this session, we’ll outline an action plan to support our journey to becoming a more inclusive leader.

Guiding Questions and Objectives

Recorded One-Hour Webinars

This webinar was delivered to Bossier Parish Community College on 2021-04-12. We had about 30 participants each for the back-to-back sessions. The recording has been edited to trim out lulls and breaks, and the Q&A from repeat sessions combined with a single session recording.

This webinar was delivered as a conference session at the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference on 2021-04-27. This version includes inclusive leadership frameworks. 

Download a sample handout as a printable PDF and digital worksheet.

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